Kelly Tung, Monta Vista Sophomore, has founded and runs the Youth Environmental Power Initiative (YEPI). YEPI is a nonprofit organization that aims to spread awareness for sustainability and environmental justice, promotes alternative transportation and safe biking and walking, and empowers future leaders to fight against climate change and make positive changes for our environment. Kelly has been a passionate advocate for alternative transportation to help our environment. Previously, she founded the Kennedy Middle School Green Commuters which advocated for city projects including the Regnart Creek Trail, was the Chair of the Cupertino Teen Commission, and currently is a Monta Vista Teen Liaison to Safe Routes to School.

YEPI is growing everyday
YEPI is expanding its membership very quickly, and has active members in all our Cupertino High Schools working on its projects. Along with its 20+ member Executive Team, it also has ambassadors across the world and a large number of partner organizations, including its primary sponsor, Silicon Valley Clean Energy. YEPI is dedicated to engaging and empowering students to be advocates of fighting climate change and finding innovative climate solutions.
We engage and empower students to be advocates of fighting climate change and finding innovative climate solutions.
How to get involved
YEPI is always looking for ambassadors who will help spread awareness for fighting climate change. Some of the work that ambassadors do includes promoting the program and mission, sharing new ideas, and joining other YEPI ambassadors at environmental oppotunities and volunteer events. Click here for more information.
Walking and biking is green
Alternative transportation, including walking and biking, can be an easy and healthy way to reduce your output of greenhouse gases. Reducing the amount of car traffic on the road also creates a more liveable environment for everyone. YEPI supports both alternative transportation and safer walking and biking to make that happen.
What is YEPI working on now?
(1) Video Creation
By utilizing digital art, animation, videos to raise awareness of alternative transportation, composting, and lowering greenhouse emissions, they believe that they can deliver a strong message and create a positive impact. Their target audience is teens and utilizing videos is a fun, effective, and powerful way to educate youths about environmental issues and sustainability. This will help youths develop and carry green habits into adulthood.
(2) YEPI Teen Leadership Sustainability Virtual Conference: For Teens by Teens
They engage and empower students to be advocates of fighting climate change, finding climate change solutions, developing ideas for effective climate policies, and making an influence on climate change.
(3) YEPI Environmental Art Contest
This contest will focus on bringing the community together during COVID-19 while encouraging students to use the arts to portray greenness in their lives. It will not only help broaden and foster contestants’ understanding of sustainability but also raise awareness on climate change action. Students will submit their artwork online.

We at WBC applaud the hard work of Kelly and all the students in the YEPI organization to make our community a more sustainable and greener place! We look forward to seeing their new ideas and plans go into action.
The information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and Walk-Bike Cupertino and does not reflect the opinions of any other organization or entity. For more information, contact WBC at