Hello Safe Routes to School Supporters!  Our Transportation team is hoping to build an off-street bicycle and pedestrian path along Regnart Creek and we need your support to do it!

This proposed trail would provide an off-street pedestrian and bicycle pathway along Regnart Creek that would link Pacifica Drive to Creekside park. This trail will really help students traveling to school by providing a safer path away from cars and unfortunately this pathway will not get approved unless the majority of the community comes out to support the project. A flyer is attached with more information. If you support this project, we need you to come out and express your support at our Regnart Creek Trail Community Meeting on January 22nd!As engaged supporters of our SR2S program and bicycle/pedestrian safety for all, thank you in advance for your support in helping us create safer pathways for our students.


Chelsea Biklin

Cupertino Safe Routes to Schoo Coordinator