Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School aims to improve safety conditions
around schools and foster an environment that empowers students to
walk, bike, and carpool to school. This program, which began in 2015 celebrates another year of success as the 2016/17 school year draws to a close. Among the many events that took place this year, we’d like to highlight a few program achievements, as well as list a few top priority goals for the 2017/18 school year.
What We’ve Done:
School Expansion: In the 2016/17 school year, Cupertino SR2S ended its 6-school pilot phase and expanded the program to include all 14 schools located in Cupertino! All schools now have supportive SR2S staff and parents working on projects related to walking, biking, or carpooling for their students.
Engineering Audits:Using partial grant funding and partial local funds, Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School hired Alta Planning to conduct walk audit studies at all 14 schools in Cupertino. These audits brought together City staff, school staff, and parent volunteers to observe traffic patterns during pick-up and drop-off times and used that observation data to create reports for recommended infrastructure and programmatic improvements both on and around each campus. Cupertino’s Transportation Division will integrate these recommendations into their work plans moving forward.
Built a Team: Through extensive community outreach, Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School recruited parents and school staff to become Safe Routes 2 School Champions! This robust team of change-makers brings equal representation to all Cupertino schools and works together to implement programs that encourage active transportation and safety for students. To become an SR2S Champion at your school email!
Bike Safety in the Classroom: SR2S knows that knowledge is power, and in the case of bicycling- it means safety. In partnership with the Santa Clara County School Resource Officers and Cupertino Union School District, Cupertino SR2S is bringing in-class bicycle and pedestrian education lessons to Cupertino 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. We will continue this education for the 2017/18 school year.
Our Biggest Ride Yet: At Cupertino’s Earth and Arbor Day this past April, the SR2S ‘Pedal 4 the Planet’ Family Bike Ride attracted over 70 riders – by far our biggest ride to date! Due to the growing success of family bike rides in the City, we will be introducing different “heats” to future rides, so that riders can find the right ride for them.
What We’re Going to Do:
Route Maps: For the 2017/18 school year, Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School will introduce “Suggested Route to School” maps for every school in Cupertino. These maps will identify the suggested routes for families to get to school by walking or biking. These maps have been created through an ongoing collaborative process between City GIS staff, school communities, and school districts.
Walking School Buses: Safe Routes 2 School kicked off its first Walking School Bus at Lincoln Elementary School this Spring. These walking school buses are essentially walking carpools that allow families to meet at a location near school in the morning and walk together as a group to help alleviate car traffic and add more exercise to their day! Due to a growing demand, we will be organizing Walking School Buses at more elementary schools next school year.
Bike Rodeos for 3rd Graders: Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School hosted its first parent-run bike rodeo for 3rd graders at Stevens Creek Elementary last May. Bike rodeos give students a chance to practice safe bicycling habits in a contained environment so they can develop the crucial skills they need for riding on-road. Cupertino SR2S hopes to work with at least three more elementary schools to plan rodeos in the coming year.
To find out more about Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School, visit or email!