Walk-Bike News
Cupertino misses out on millions in grant funding
Grant funding is a key way for a city to pay for bike and pedestrian infrastructure projects. Because Cupertino is facing an unprecedented budget crisis right now, it is even more important that it takes advantage of these grant opportunities. Instead, most of the...
Bike Bus Event at Cupertino High School
Studies show that students that bike or walk to school do better academically and socially. It also teaches them to be more independent and frees up parents from pickup and dropoff duty. Plus it's great for the planet! 🌍 Some schools in Palo Alto have seen bike...
Friends of Stevens Creek Trail celebrate 30 years of support
Three decades of careThe Friends of Stevens Creek Trail are celebrating three decades of support for the great Stevens Creek Trail that is enjoyed in four different local cities. Here in Cupertino, the trail is an enjoyable mile and a half stretching from Stevens...
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The Great Bicycle Boom of 2020
“Hi, do you guys have any Specialized Rockhopper bikes in stock?” This was a question we heard multiple times a day throughout the Shelter In Place and it continues to this day! Many other questions too, such as “Do you repair bicycles?” have been flooding the...
Engaging talks at the 2020 Silicon Valley Bike Summit
The 10th Annual Silicon Valley Bike Summit August was held on Aug 6 & 7, this past week as a fully online event to allow participants to socially distance. It is the Bay Area area’s largest annual gathering of active transportation leaders and organizers – from...
Tell Your Senator to Support the Bike Parking Bill
The California Senate could hold its first hearing on the Bike Parking Bill (AB 3153-Rivas) as early as August 1, 2020. The bill provides an incentive to build long-term bike parking and car-sharing spaces in new buildings. In most communities in California, housing...