Walk-Bike News
2023 Recap: slow progress, but some forward movement
The past year for Cupertino and its surrounding communities has seen some major changes as we continue to emerge from the pandemic. Locally in Cupertino, there have been some serious issues which have taken attention away from quality of life improvements such as...
California’s New Speed Limit Law
COVID-19 led to a significant slowdown in cars traveling on California roads, amounting to a third of all vehicles opting to stay parked. In compliance with stay-at-home mandates, many drivers chose not to take to the roads, leading to the number of car accidents...
Update on Finch and Calle de Barcelona intersection
School commutes can be stress-inducing for both students and parents, but when they become dangerous, solutions are needed. One of the intersections near Cupertino High School that we have been following (see our June newsletter here) has proven dangerous to students:...
Related News
Senate Release Transportation Draft with Good news for Bicycling and Walking
Great news from The League of American Bicyclists! The Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) released their transportation bill at the end of May, and scheduled a Committee meeting on May 26, where members offered amendments and voted whether to send the bill...
If You Build It, They Will Walk, Bike, and Thrive
A recent study helps answer the question: "Which came first - the bike infrastructure or the bikers?" The research published in April 2021 by the National Academy of Sciences found that across 106 European cities, cities which added bike infrastructure saw a rapid...
This real-world e-bike testing reveals the truth about pedal assist electric bicycle exercise
E-Bikes are everywhere and chances are you know someone who rides one. E-bikes make hills much easier and allow you to keep up a good speed even when you're tired. So are you really getting as much exercise as if you were riding a regular bike? I was reading an...