Key Facts About the Bike Boulevards Project

Cost of Construction: Funding of $1.4M approved. If concrete is desired, then total cost is $2.6M.

Length of Project: Each location has a different length. Click here to see a 2018 presentation which shows the location and details of each project.

Type of Project: Class III Bike Facilities (see here for review of different facilities)

Click here for information from the City of Cupertino’s website

Final Status (July 2024):

All planned Bike Boulevard work is complete. As costs for permanent concrete installations are significantly higher, the original City plan to use concrete bulb-outs and channels will now be plastic bollards instead.  These bollards do help pedestrians cross more safely by increasing visibility and shortening crossing distance.

Each of the Bike Boulevard locations had significant public outreach, including neighborhood workshops.

Overview of the Bike Boulevards Project

The Bike Boulevards Project in Cupertino is comprised of seven corridors throughout the city of Cupertino. The improvements will include traffic-calming features, but will not include bike lanes so bikes will still mix with cars. These features may include speed tables, curb extensions (‘bulb-outs’), raised crosswalks, signage and sharrow (‘share the road’ bicycle and chevron) painting.

Each of the locations has its specific concerns and planned features to mitigate these concerns.

Click here to be directed to a February 2018 presentation from the City of Cupertino for specific design features and locations for each Bike Boulevard.

The Bike Boulevard projects will be designed and constructed in phases.

Phase 1: Boulevards #1 and #5 (except Meteor) and #3. These will be interim improvements in these locations, such as temporary bollards in place of curb extensions. Permanent work will include speed tables and signage.

Phase 1A: Boulevards #1 and #5 (except Meteor) and Torre Ave from #3 will have the rest of the permanent improvements installed, including raised crosswalks and curb extensions. This construction is expected at the same time as Phase 2.

Phase 2: Boulevards #2, plus Meteor Ave from #5 and the Kim St./Kirwin Ave. intersection.

Phase 3: Boulevards #4, 6, 7.

As of 2020, all concrete bike boulevard work has been converted to bollards, such as curb extensions and bike turn channels.

Why Does Walk-Bike Cupertino Support this Project?

Bike Boulevards are for experienced cyclists

Many experienced adult cyclists who commute use residential streets. The changes that can come with the Bike Boulevards (but are not required to) such as speed tables decrease vehicle speeds in neighborhoods, reducing the frequency and severity of potential biking accidents.

Changes can make streets quieter for residents

Reduced vehicle traffic speeds if traffic calming measures (not required) that can come along with bike boulevards also reduce noise from passing traffic by slowing traffic. Speed tables can also reduce the likelihood that mapping apps such as Waze will route traffic from out of town through a neighborhood.

Encouragement of biking as alternate transportation

New wayfinding signage can encourage using a bike instead of a car to get to local destinations, by showing just how close nearby destinations are located. Using alternative transportation and reducing pollution is great for everyone. By encouraging biking and walking, Bike Boulevards can result in less traffic, and cleaner air. 

Note: Walk Bike Cupertino does not support Class III bike infrastructure improvements (i.e. Bike Boulevards), which consist of sharrows painted on a road and signs designating it as a bike boulevard. These changes do not improve safety for any cyclist, and studies have shown they may actually be worse for safety than no markings at all. For information on this topic, see here.


Location of Project

(click map for larger view)

How Walk-Bike Cupertino has actively supported this project

Walk-Bike Cupertino has:

Provided information, maps and data to residents, City Council and Staff regarding Bike Boulevards;

Kept supporters up to date on upcoming events and milestones for the project via email newsletters;

Met with City Staff, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, and Cupertino City Councilmembers and attended public outreach meetings to discuss details of the various projects and to encourage progress and adequate staffing.