You can make a difference!

  • Become a member of Walk Bike Cupertino.  We are over 2,500 residents strong now!
  • Sign up for our newsletters and we will keep you up to date on everything that’s happening so you can be informed.
  • Report new incidents, concerns and areas needing improvement for biking and walking to us, so that we can get your concerns elevated and make sure they are included in the next bicycle and pedestrian plans.
  • Attend City Council meetings or email City Council to let them know that bicycle and pedestrians issues are important to you.
  • Want to help more? Consider whether our Advisory Board is a good fit for you. Email us at to ask for more details.

Did you miss an issue? Click below to read the news you missed on local projects, safety issues, local reports, and new ideas from around the world!

Like to do more to help? Contact Us!
