Rules of the Road
Rules of the road for bicycles are similar to motor vehicles. They have the same rights and responsibilities, including yielding to pedestrians at all times.
Unique road laws for bicycles are the following:
- They must stay as far to the right as is practicable and travel in the same direction as other traffic, except in two-way bike lanes.
- Cyclists can “take the lane” if passing, if they are going as fast as traffic, or it is unsafe to stay to the right. See this link on taking the lane.
- On one-way streets, they may stay all the way to the left or the right.
- For roads with bike lanes, cyclists must use the bike lane unless passing, they are traveling as fast as traffic, it is unsafe, or if they need to make a left turn.
- When in a crosswalk, a bike must be walked. Bikes may not be ridden on the sidewalk by adults. For more information, please click here.
- Cyclists cannot ride on freeways or on toll bridges.
- Regulations on e-bikes vary depending on their top speed. See here for more information.
- Stopping or parking a bike in a bike lane is illegal.
Bike/Rider Equipment Requirements:
- Bicycles must have reflectors and have a functional headlamp when riding at or after dusk.
- Helmets are required for those under 18, and optional (but strongly recommended) for adults.
- Cyclists may only have one earbud in when riding.
- Cyclists may not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while biking.
- Bikes must have functional brakes and have a seat.
- If cyclists are carrying an object, it cannot impede them using at least one hand on a handlebar.
- Bikes cannot be left lying on a sidewalk, or in pedestrian pathways.
For additional information on this topic see this link. Click here for a video on this topic.