Key Facts About the Pedestrian (Sidewalk) Projects

Cost of Construction: $5.163M for Orange and Byrne sidewalks; McClellan cost is approximately $2.4M.

Projects: Sidewalk improvements on McClellan Road, Orange Ave., and Byrne Ave. Total length of all projects approximately 1.1 miles.

Type of Project: Sidewalk improvements (Pedestrian only)

Click here for information on all capital improvement projects from City of Cupertino’s website (scroll down for sidewalks projects)

Final Status: McClellan Road sidewalks have now completed construction. Sidewalks on Byrne Avenue are complete. Orange Avenue sidewalks are now complete. Note: all sidewalks require the property owner to be willing to have a sidewalk in front of their home, so there are locations where the sidewalks are not continuous.

Overview of the projects

The City of Cupertino performs regular and ongoing maintenance on city streets and sidewalks, and for the past five years has been regularly updating curb cuts to the latest ADA standards. This work, while important and ongoing, is not the focus of the pedestrian sidewalk projects that were listed in the Pedestrian Transportation Plan approved by City Council in 2018.

McClellan Road

The McClellan Road Sidewalk project was conceived to ultimately connect Lincoln Elementary to Foothill Blvd with a continuous sidewalk length. Phase 1 of this project, which installs sidewalks along Rose Blossom to Hwy 85 is less challenging than Phase 2 (Orange to San Leandro). Phase 2 had issues including acquiring right-of-way, relocation of utilities, etc., and was implemented over a two-year period.

Byrne Avenue

This project comprises adding sidewalks along Byrne from McClellan to Granada.  Due to the much smalller amount (ten) of right-of-way discussions, this project was designated as Phase 1 of the Byrne/Orange Project.

Orange Avenue

This project comprises adding sidewalks along Orange from McClellan to Granada. Orange Avenue required the City Staff to have 24 right-of-way discussions with homeowners, requiring it to be split into a separate phase from Byrne Avenue.


Why Does Walk-Bike Cupertino Support this Project?


Sidewalks are necessary for children to get to school safely

Many hundreds of students walk to Monta Vista, Kennedy Middle and Lincoln Elementary everyday. Without sidewalks, students are forced to walk in the street where it is much more dangerous, or to be driven to school. Even students that are driven to school each day are frequently let off near the school instead of at the school, so also require a sidewalk to safely arrive at school even if only a block away.

Reduces traffic, especially around schools

New and continuous sidewalks increase the likelihood that parents will allow their children to walk to school, reducing the traffic load around our schools and in our neighborhoods each day. Every child that walks (or bikes) to school is one fewer car on the road.

A greener Cupertino

Using alternative transportation, such as walking, and reducing pollution is great for everyone. This trail will result in fewer cars, less traffic, and cleaner air.

Increased exercise options and improved community connection

Families, seniors, and the entire community will enjoy the option to walk safely right in their neighborhood for healthy exercise.  When people are outdoors walking, they are more likely to see and socialize casually with their neighbors. This increases community health and connection for all residents.

Connectivity to parks

The new sidewalks connect to McClellan Ranch and the planned Linda Vista Trail, making access for residents easier for Linda Vista Park, Blackberry Farm, and the Stevens Creek Trail. This dramatically increases recreation options for residents who enjoy walking or running.



Location of Projects

(click map for larger view)

How Walk-Bike Cupertino has actively supported this project

Walk-Bike Cupertino has:

Provided information, maps and data to residents, City Council and Staff regarding necessity of sidewalks for active transportation, especially to the tri-school area;

Kept supporters up to date on upcoming events and milestones for the project via email newsletters;

Sent emails of support to City Council and encouraged other residents to do the same;

Coordinated and gave vocal support at City Council meetings, when this topic was to be discussed;

Met with City Staff, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, and Cupertino City Councilmembers and attended public outreach meetings to discuss details of the various projects and to encourage progress and adequate staffing.