Key Facts About the Lawrence Mitty Park and Trail
Cost of Construction:
Projects: New city park and updates to existing Saratoga Creek Trail
Type of Project: Park and Trail, use for pedestrians and cyclists
Click here for information on all capital improvement projects from City of Cupertino’s website
Current Status (July 2024): City Council has approved the final trail concept in May 2024. More information is here from the city.
The project will require a significant amount of coordination between various agencies, including municipal governments and utilities. Construction of the park is expected to start in 2026. The trail updates are considered on hold until after the park opens and funding is obtained for the trail updates.

Project Overview
The City of Cupertino is building an all-new park and trail on the east side of Cupertino, adjacent to the existing Sterling Barhart Park. This park and trail will provide much-needed open space and enhance the existing Saratoga Creek Trail.
Why Does Walk-Bike Cupertino Support this Project?
A great opportunity for added recreation for all walkers and bikers
Thousands of people living on the east side of Cupertino can enjoy this new park and the upgrades to the trail.
Increased exercise options and improved community connection
Families, seniors, and the entire community will enjoy the option to walk safely right in their neighborhood for healthy exercise. When people are outdoors walking, they are more likely to see and socialize casually with their neighbors. This increases community health and connection for all residents.
Connectivity to parks
Two parks will now be very close together: Lawrence Mitty and Sterling Barnhart Parks.
Potential Connectivity to other neighborhoods north and east of Stevens Creek Boulevard
There are many Cupertino High and Hyde students who live on the other side of Lawrence Expressway north of Stevens Creek. These students generally do not get to school actively as Stevens Creek Boulevard is such a busy and daunting street for cyclists especially around the intersection with Lawrence Expressway. This new park could offer a way to create a connection through to Calvert and to those neighborhoods.
Location of Project
(click map for larger view)
How Walk-Bike Cupertino has actively supported this project
Walk-Bike Cupertino has:
Kept supporters up to date on upcoming events and milestones for the project via email newsletters;
Sent emails of support to City Council and encouraged other residents to do the same;
Coordinated and gave vocal support at City Council meetings, when this topic was to be discussed;
Met with City Staff, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, and Cupertino City Councilmembers and attended public outreach meetings to discuss details of the project and to encourage progress and encouragement of walking and biking enhancements for the park and trail.