City Council Meetings
The Cupertino City Council has regularly scheduled meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:45pm in the City Council Chamber in Community Hall (next to the Library).
Study sessions sometimes start at 5:30pm and special meeting dates also sometimes occur. The Council usually takes about a month off during the summer. For dates of upcoming meetings, agendas and minutes from prior meetings, click here.
Members of the public are able to speak on any topic not on the agenda during Oral Communication, and about any agenda topic during that agenda item. Usually each speaker has three minutes to speak, but if there is a large number of speakers, the Mayor will reduce the time to 2 or even 1 minute.
Consent Calendar items are meant to be voted on as a block as they are items such as accounts payable, non-controversial items, or items that have been discussed previously so public comment time regarding items is also about all the items, not each individual one. Sometimes councilmembers will “pull” an item for further discussion, in which case the item is moved to the end of the agenda and will have its own individual comment time.
We encourage all residents who care about safe and enjoyable walking and biking in Cupertino to make their voices heard at City Council.
There are two ways to do this:
(1) Write a letter to the City Council at Personal details are best as to why you care about these issues, such as where you live, your family circumstances (such as if you have school children), how you use local roads, etc.
(2) Come speak at City Council or over Zoom. The most impact is showing up in person at the meeting. All councilmembers know that you have taken time and effort out of your personal schedule to come, which makes a difference. Speaking via Zoom is also helpful, as they can hear your voice which makes it more personal. The link to the Zoom meeting to watch and be called upon (you will need to raise your hand at the appropriate time) can be found at the beginning of the agenda. For all agendas, go to this link.

Join our Email team
Would you like to join our email team to have your voice heard? The committment is about 4 x per year to send an email, with a day’s notice, to the Cupertino City Council in favor of a particular bicycle or pedestrian project.