Key Facts About the Active Transportation Plan

Cost: This is a Work Program item, and falls under regular staff hours.

Project: Create a new combine Bike/Ped plan for all active transportation in the city using Complete Streets concepts, including a prioritized list of recommended projects.

Type of Project: Plan

Current Status (July 2024): City Council approved this Work Program item on April 3, 2024. 

The Draft RFP (Request for Proposal) is complete. It is expected to be sent out for bids summer 2024. Late fall 2024 the consultant will be chosen.  It is expected the work will begin in 2025.

Project Overview

The City of Cupertino will create a new Active Transportation Plan utilizing Complete Streets concepts. The Active Transportation Plan will replace the 2016 Bicycle Transportation Plan and the 2018 Pedestrian Transportation Plan. 

Why Does Walk-Bike Cupertino Support this Project?


If we don’t plan, we can’t make improvements

An active transportation plan is where recommendations from other plans, such as Vision Zero and the Local Road Safety Plan (LSRP) become concrete ideas. Without a plan, it is unlikely that infrastructure necessary to improve walking and biking safety, enjoyment, and encouragement will be built.

Plans must be updated regularly 

Using a previous plan in place of a new one is not a good idea. Older transportation plans can become stale, with project recommendations that no longer fit the transportation patterns of a city–especially after a big event like the pandemic and its signficant shift to work-from-home on certain days of the week. 

The older transportation plans in Cupertino also do not include insights or recommendations from the recent Vision Zero or LSRP. They also do not address recent changes in the Mobility Element of our city’s General Plan.

Competing priorities in past Transportation Plans caused conflicts

Projects listed on the previous Ped Plan and Bike Plan often had different priority levels or were not in sync. Having one plan will allow for prioritization across the entire city for all those who use active transportation. 

Grant Funding

Certain types of Grant funding require an up-to-date plan for encouragement of active transportation. 

For a discussion of what should be in Cupertino’s new Active Transportation Plan, click here.

Other Active Local Transportation Plans

How Walk-Bike Cupertino has actively supported this project

Walk-Bike Cupertino has:

Kept supporters up to date on upcoming events and milestones for the project via email newsletters;

Sent emails of support to City Council and encouraged other residents to do the same;

Coordinated and gave vocal support at City Council meetings, when this topic was to be discussed;

Met with City Staff, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, and Cupertino City Councilmembers to discuss details of the project and to encourage progress and encouragement of walking and biking enhancements for the creation of a new plan.