Advisory Board
Walk Bike Cupertino’s advisory leadership team is comprised of motivated local individuals who are parents, long-time community members and active walking/cycling community members.
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Board Chair: Seema Lindskog
Seema and her family have lived in Cupertino for more than 15 years. She had a 20+ year career as a senior marketing executive for several Fortune 500 companies and is working on her own startup. Seema is active in Safe Routes to School, the Cupertino High PTSA Board, the Rotary Club of Cupertino, and is the Vice Chair of the Cupertino Planning Commission. Her son attended Eaton Elementary, Lawson Middle, and is now at Cupertino High School. She and her family love to be outdoors, whether it’s biking to breakfast on a weekend morning, or hiking one of the nearby trails with their dog. She is passionate about making walking and biking in Cupertino safer and more enjoyable for kids and families because it makes the city more livable, friendly, and vibrant.

Joel Wolf
Joel and his wife are 35 year residents of Cupertino. His son and daughter attended Lincoln, Kennedy and Monta Vista High Schools. Joel has been long-distance road cycling for over 40 years. For the past 15 years, he has commuted to Menlo Park (sometimes with the help of his electric bike), were he works as a consulting Civil Engineer. Joel is a firm believer that a developed cycling and pedestrian infrastructure can greatly enhance the quality of life in Cupertino. His outside interests include hiking, gardening and camping. Joel is also the Vice Chair of the Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission.

Jennifer Shearin
Jennifer Shearin is a 15 year resident of Cupertino, and currently the Chair of the Cupertino Parks and Recreation Commission. She’s an active member of Cupertino Safe Routes to School, where she does graphic design work and is a Lead for the Cupertino Fall Bike Fest. Jennifer is a parent of graduates of Cupertino High, Lawson and Eaton. Jennifer was awarded the 2020 Silicon Valley Bike Coalition Person of the Year in recognition of her efforts to successfully build the Regnart Creek Trail. She is a former Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioner for Cupertino and a former engineer for General Motors. In her spare time, Jennifer enjoys biking on her orange electric bike (mainly as an alternative to driving), graphic design projects, reading, baking, and walks with her dog.

Helene Davis
Helene grew up in Cupertino and attended local schools – Regnart, Kennedy, and Monta Vista. She was active in the PTA and AYSO while her two daughters went through the same schools. Helene is a former Cupertino Parks and Recreation Commissioner, Past President of the Rotary Club of Cupertino, and is currently an advisory board member of the Cupertino Historical Society and President of the Cupertino Copertino Sister Cities Association. In her free time she enjoys road biking and hiking in the local foothills. Helene tries to “walk the walk” by choosing biking or walking for her errands about town. She believes in the importance of connecting our community with bike and pedestrian infrastructure which in turn will lead to a healthier and happier Cupertino.

Hervé Marcy
Hervé Marcy is a 3 years resident in Cupertino and currently the Chair of the Cupertino Bike Ped Commission. He is a parent of two children currently going to Eaton Elementary and the organizer of the Eaton walking school bus. A sports enthusiast, Hervé practices Muay Thai (Thai boxing) and is also Vice President and coach for Cupertino Little League. He works as a partnerships manager for AWS and believes that safe infrastructure plays a huge role when people choose biking and walking over other modes of transportation.

Jian He
A 18+ year resident of Cupertino’s Blackberry Farm neighborhood, Jian and her family have been enjoying the beautiful nature around the Stevens Creek. When her sons were attending local schools, they walked or biked to school with friends almost everyday. As a local parent volunteer, Jian was actively involved in the PTO/PTA (Parent Teacher Organization or Association), PAC (Parent Advisory Committee), and community building events such as CEEF Run and Safe Routes to School Bike Rodeos. Now, she volunteers as the webmaster and newsletter editor for Walk-Bike Cupertino, and helps at city’s annual events including Earth Day, Bike Fest, and Bike to Work/Wherever Day. She loves biking around the town, walking in her neighborhood, and hiking in nature.

Louise Saadati
Louise has been a resident of Cupertino for 37+ years with her husband, Taghi, and their two daughters, who went to Regnart, Kennedy and Monta Vista. She is a retired physical therapist with 40 years experience in homecare, hospitals and out-patient settings. She has been a leader to organize and legalise multiple DOLAS (Dogs Off Leash Area) in Cupertino including Jollyman, Linda Vista and Monta Vista Parks with work ongoing also for future DOLAS at Memorial, Wilson and any other interested Cupertino parks. She is interested in building community to make Cupertino great including increase walking, biking and safety.

Larry Dean — Founder of WBC
A 35 year resident of Cupertino, Larry and his family have resided in the Monta Vista area with his daughters attending Stevens Creek, Kennedy and Monta Vista High. With a long career in high tech and computer design/manufacturing businesses, Larry is an active community leader (Past President of the Rotary Club of Cupertino, Past Chair of Cupertino Educational Endowment Foundation (CEEF), and Past Chair of Northwest Y). An avid cyclist who enjoys the area and long distance cycling, he sees an opportunity for the community to influence local leaders to make Cupertino a safer and easier place to bike and walk. Contact:

Taghi Sadaati
Taghi and his family are 31 year residents of Cupertino, with his daughters being graduates from Monta Vista High. As a licensed Civil and Structural Engineer, he worked for the private and public sector, retiring from the City of San Jose. While there, he managed the design and construction of numerous projects including capital improvement projects. Taghi is a long time member of Western Wheelers and avid cyclist, riding 4 to 5 days each week. Taghi served as a Cupertino Planning Commissioner from 2002-2007, including one year as Chair. A member of Cupertino Rotary, he also served on the board of the NW YMCA for 11 years.

Rod Sinks
Bio coming soon!

Dino Sakkas
A 30 year resident of the Cupertino, Dino and his family reside in the Jollyman neighborhood. His son and daughter attended Lincoln Elementary School, Lawson Middle School, Cupertino and Monta Vista High Schools. Now a retired aerospace engineer, he is involved in causes supporting the food distribution to the needy in the bay area and awareness of human impact on the environment. He not only enjoys walking and cycling, he feels that by making our neighborhoods safer for all pedestrians and cyclists, walking and cycling can replace most local use of cars, and is crucial for both meeting our nation`s 2030 carbon emission goals and improving the quality of life in our city!

Aaryan Doshi
Aaryan Doshi is senior at Monta Vista High School and will be a WBC Youth Advisory Board Member from 2023 to 2025. As far back as he can remember, Aaryan has always had a passion for outdoor activities, whether that be to bike, play sports, or take walks around the neighborhood with his family. Being surrounded by nature has taught him to cherish and preserve it, and this is the driving force behind Aaryan’s ambition to make the world a more eco-friendly and sustainable place for people of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy. To promote environmental science education, Aaryan frequently visits local libraries to teach young children about the importance of sustainability through fun and interactive ways. His most recent workshop featured a sustainable city challenge designed to help students grasp the challenges of developing a green city and what they could do to help. In his free time, he enjoys reading books, biking, hiking, and playing basketball with his family.

Senna Rogoyski
Senna Rogoyski is a senior at Monta Vista High School and will be a WBC Youth Advisory Board Member from 2023 to 2025. Since she was little, she always loved to go on hikes with friends and family, especially with her dad. During the summer, when the weather is sunny and nice, she usually goes to beaches and collects seashells there. She loves going on small walks and short bike rides with those she loves the most. Recently, she has attempted gardening as her grandmother has been one of her biggest inspirations. Lucky to have those closest to her by her side, this encourages her to give back to her community whenever she can. She helps out by volunteering at her nearby library, calling seniors who need people to talk to, helping out at animal shelter events, and helping create free programs for people to join. As she loves spending her time outdoors walking and biking, she hopes to spread this to others.

Ishan Khosla
Ishan Khosla is a sophomore at Cupertino High School and is excited to serve as a WBC Youth Advisory Board Member. Ishan loves both road and mountain biking and has been an avid cyclist since his early childhood. He relies on biking as his primary mode of transportation to get to school every day and also enjoys biking to popular Cupertino destinations including Main Street, stores on De Anza, and the library. Having experienced and seen an increasing number of dangerous bicycle-related accidents first-hand over the past few years, Ishan is driven to improve bicycle safety for all of Cupertino’s citizens by working alongside the members of Walk Bike Cupertino and the city council. He is also excited to promote the many benefits of active transportation including both health and physical benefits, increased independence, and sustainability with community members. Ishan’s other hobbies include playing soccer and doing hands-on work from household repairs to woodworking.

Samil Lindskog
Samil Lindskog is a senior at Cupertino High School and will be serving as a Youth Advisory Board Member from 2024 to 2025. Samil loves biking and walking, and has been biking for fun and transportation since he was a child.
Samil has been active in advocating for better walking and biking since he was very young. He has spoken at City Council support of the Regnart Creek Trail and other projects such as the Lawson bikeway.
He has assisted in local events for years, including the annual Cupertino Bike Fest, both running a booth as well as leading the bike rides for families. This work inspired him to join the Walk Bike Board to further help in the creation of safe and accessible routes for biking and walking.
Samil intends to pursue a career in Physics, a great interest of his.

Revathy Narasimhan
Revathy and her family have been living in Cupertino for the past 5 years. Her kids attend the local elementary and middle schools. She believes that collective contributions from the community, small or big, can make a significant difference on pedestrian and bike safety at Cupertino. She is excited and is looking forward to working with the city and Walk-Bike Cupertino on implementing the 2016 Cupertino Bike Plan.

Meenakshi Biyani
Meenakshi Biyani and her family are long time Cupertino residents. She is involved in many local organizations as a community volunteer. She is a Safe Routes to School Committee member, Cherry Blossom Festival Volunteer Chair, and CHS Grad Night Chair. Meenakshi loves nature and enjoys lots of outdoor activities. She hikes with her friends and family on a regular basis and is interested in helping make Cupertino a safe and inviting place for walkers and bikers.