Our Mission:
- Make Cupertino a model for Safe, Easy and Enjoyable Walking and Biking
- Create direct Bike-Ped pathways
- Educate drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists onbest practices sharing the road
- Encourage riding and walking: incorporate mileage signage, historical markers and point-of-interest into pathways
- Support appropriate funding for strategic Walk-Bike Improvements
2015-2016 Goals:
- Encourage the City Council and Staff to prioritize and fund physical improvements in the city to improve ease and safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Support new thinking on long-standing bike-ped issues. Encourage ongoing review of best practices from other communities that model innovative solutions
- Help mitigate congestion near CUSD (Cupertino Union School District) and FUHSD (Fremont Union High School District) school sites;
- Support healthful lifestyles by encouraging walking and biking
- Reduce automobile traffic by making it safer, easier and more enjoyable for citizens to travel to schools, shopping and other community amenities by bike or on foot.