Walk-Bike Cupertino actively encourages funding of bike infrastructure. Since our inception, almost $35M has been committed to bicycle and pedestrian safety projects in Cupertino.
This is a distinct turnaround from the prior ten years of very low resource allocation, and has been especially important as infrastructure changes can be very expensive. (See our Funding and Grants page for information on all of the projects that have been funded since 2016.)
We actively encourage funding of bike infrastructure and education projects in Cupertino, through meetings, emails, speaking at City Council meetings, petition drives, outreach to supporters, and much more.

Walk-Bike Cupertino works closely with city staff to identify and prioritize pedestrian and bicycle projects that benefit our community.
We work with the Transportation Department Staff, which is part of Cupertino Public Works, to give guidance on their designs. We also meet with Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioners to give input on upcoming projects, education campaigns, and collaborate with the city at their events such as Fall Bike Fest and Earth Day events. We are active resident participants in the process of creating Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation Plans.

Walk-Bike Cupertino advocates for funding to the Cupertino City Council and communicates to our community about projects, events, safety and more.
Walk-Bike Cupertino publishes a regular newsletter available to anyone, and also sends out email updates on key events and milestones for biking and walking. (We do not share our mailing list with anyone.) We provide assistance to elementary schools through creating “how-to procedures” for safe drop off/pick up and tips for all CUSD parents published in their monthly newsletters. We maintain a website of information on biking and walking, including maps, safety data, and regular articles of interest.
We also regularly advocate to City Councilmembers for funding and support for infrastructure projects in Cupertino, including encouraging other neighbors to join us in speaking about supporting improvements to biking and walking. We also advocate to other organizations, such as school boards and the Water District Board, when appropriate.

Walk-Bike Cupertino collaborates with local organizations and businesses that make safer and easier walking and biking a priority.
We worked with DeAnza College to open up bike entrance on McClellan Road and we worked with Cupertino Rotary to fund a bike repair station at DeAnza College.
We are active in Safe Routes to School, especially with their Walk Audit projects. We are active members of local bike clubs and receive support from them, especially Western Wheelers. We encourage the work of Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition. We partner with local businesses that support walking and biking, such as Trailhead Cyclery and Cupertino Bike Shop in our advocacy.